Pelican launches Towards a circular food chain report

Towards a circular food chain

Today Pelican is launching a new report: Towards a circular food chain. We have brought together some of the most informed experts, journalists and academics from across the food supply and environmental sector to highlight the challenges and examine the solutions that are already emerging.

As a marketing communications and PR specialists working exclusively within food and environment, we see first-hand the challenges faced by organisations who have embarked on the journey towards circularity.

We are constantly struck by how interrelated organisations and issues are, wherever they sit along the food chain. A decision to implement a new packaging format for a brand can have unforeseen down-stream effects on the recycling system. Whilst, changing consumer tastes, such as the rise of veganism, driven by growing environmental concerns, ripple up the chain creating new challenges for food producers.

With decades of sector specific experience, we believe we are ideally placed to highlight these interactions and the challenges that lie ahead as we move towards a circular food chain.

The Pelican team understands that it’s vital that businesses deliver a sustainable ‘circular’ future. And just as importantly, let consumers know they’re doing it. Because what happens to our food and environment really matters to all of us.

At €1.8 trillion, the commercial opportunity presented by the circular economy is huge. Those organisations that act now will be the ones most likely to benefit.

If you’d like a copy of the report or would like to take advantage of our Five-Point Best Practice Plan to ensure you’re communicating your environmental initiatives effectively please contact us to arrange a meeting.

Click to download the full report

Pelican Communications is a specialist in the environment & CSRfoodpackaging & logistics and trade association sectors and offers a range of services such as strategy, design,  content creation,  public relations and people development.

Contact us for marketing and communications expertise.


Towards A Circular Food Chain Mock Up 1