Publicising the power of frozen food
Strategy / Content Creation / Design / Public Relations
Summary: A major market report that impressed upon the UK Government and the wider food industry, the scale and importance of the frozen food industry.
At the report’s launch UK Minister of State for Farming, Food and Fisheries, George Eustice MP (pictured below), praised the industry saying that the frozen food sector has “shown remarkable growth in the last five years” and made major strides on food labeling and reducing food waste.
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Every five years the British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF) produces the Frozen Food Report (FFR) which brings together the latest sales figures, market predictions and comment from industry leaders, as well as looking at mega trends such as the rise of online shopping and how these will change frozen food in the future.
The challenge
Working with food industry communications specialists Pelican Communications, BFFF identified that the second FFR was more than a chance to present market information to its members. It was also an opportunity to impress upon the UK Government and the wider retail and foodservice industries, the scale and importance of the frozen food industry.
The editorial team therefore agreed to include a wide range of content including:
- Market growth
- Changing consumer behaviour
- Trends driving the food industry
- The future of frozen food in retail and foodservice, and
- Views and predictions from industry leaders.
Several months were spent analysing data, researching trends and securing third party contributions.
The Pelican approach
Rather than a dry academic report the editorial team decided they wanted to use the FFR to present a modern, fresh image for the industry. Our design team was briefed to feature eye-catching photography, easy to follow graphs and use blank space to create a report that was easy to read, as well as highly informative. The final 56-page report more than meets the brief.
The second FFR brings together research from leading names including Kantar Worldpanel, BRC-Nielsen, Horizons, CGA Strategy and MCA to give a full picture of the market for frozen food.
As well as examining the achievements of industry in the last five years it highlights the opportunities and challenges it faces in the next five years, by focussing on four broad themes: market growth, changing customer perceptions, food industry drivers and the future of frozen.
The results
The FFR has received a very warm reception from BFFF members.
Brian Young, then chief executive of BFFF said of the report: “The report proves the case for frozen food is no longer in dispute thanks to a bank of evidence built up to promote its nutritional, cost, quality and sustainability benefits. Consumers and chefs now recognise these benefits and have voted with their cash driving real value growth in the market.”
The report was also shortlisted for the Trade Association Forum Best Practice Awards.
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